Spring Facebook Promo to Benefit Tri-Parish Food Bank & Award $100 Certificate to Facebook Fan!

Celebrating Our 35th Year of Service
Skagit Roofing LLC

Like Our Facebook Page and/or Share our post about TRI-PARISH FOOD BANK and Skagit Roofing will donate a pound of food for every Page Like AND every Share! We'll also place your name into a drawing for a $100 Spring Certificate to a local Gardening Store just for fun!

Why Tri-Parish? We think it's awesome that they help feed and support our community AND teach our youth the importance of giving back! So, just click to our Facebook Page at https://www.facebook.com/SkagitRoofing/  to like our page and share the Tri-Parish Post, pinned to the top of our page.  And, to learn more about the Tri-Parish Food Bank,  click this link: https://www.stcharles-burlington-wa.org/32. Thank you for Helping us "Nail It" when it comes to spreading the GOOD STUFF in our community!

Contest Logistics: We'll be counting likes and shares for this promotion through April 15th, 2018. Skagit Roofing will then buy and deliver the pounds of food to Tri-Parish Food Bank. (More Facebook photos to come upon delivery!) We will also place the names of everyone who liked our page between and or like and shared the Tri-Parish Postf between March 1st and April 15th, 2018. We'll draw the name of a lucky winner who will receive a $100 gift certificate to a local Garden & Nursery Store, to brighten your Spring even more!  (No cash value. No substitutions. Must be 18 years of age or older to win).  
